lunes, septiembre 25, 2006


Xavier Fontcuberta, uno de los editores de la revista electrónica Basic Income Studies( Nos ha escrito para comunicarnos que el Newsflash de la Basic Income Earth Network, el cuál contenía información sobre la revista, información que ahora está desfasada (principalmente la dirección url y las de correo electrónico). Por ello publicamos lo que nos solicita. Para los lectores que esten interesados.

Le agradecemos que haya tenido la amibilidad de notificarnos las direcciones correctas. Y reiteramos que este Blog esta a disposición de toda persona que quiera participar y debatir propuestas sobre la Renta Básica.

"Basic Income Studies", a new academic journal devoted to basic income. "Basic Income Studies: An International Journal ofBasic Income Research" (BIS) is a new international journal devoted to the critical discussion of andresearch into universal basic income and related policy proposals. BIS is published by The BerkeleyElectronic Press and edited by an international team of scholars, with support from Red Renta Básica, theBasic Income Earth Network and the U.S. Basic IncomeGuarantee Network. The inaugural issue of BIS appearedin June 2006 with articles by Joel Handler and AmandaSheely Babcock, Michael W. Howard, YannickVanderborght, and a retrospective on Robert van derVeen and Philippe Van Parijs's seminal article on "A Capitalist Road to Communism". The retrospectiveincludes a reprint of the original article and a setof specially written comments by Gerald Cohen, ErikOlin Wright, Doris Schroeder, Catriona McKinnon, HarryDahms, and Andrew Williams, together with a speciallywritten reply by the authors.BIS is currently inviting contributions from academicscholars, researchers, policy-makers and welfareadvocates on a wide variety of topics pertaining tothe universal welfare debate. The editors areinterested in publishing research articles, bookreviews, and short, accessible commentaries discussingaspects of basic income or a closely related topic.BIS accepts research from all main academicdisciplines, and welcomes research that pushes thedebate into previously uncharted areas. BIS aims topromote the research of young scholars as well asseasoned researchers, and the editors particularlywelcome contributions from non-Western countries. For more information, please visit our website or contact the editors, Jurgen DeWispelaere and Karl Widerquist, at Scholars who want to havetheir books considered for review or who would like toreview a book for BIS should contact Sandra González Bailón at

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